The Editorial team of Biomolecules and Biomedicine is proud to announce the official release of the Impact Factor (IF) for the year 2022. The IF stands at 3.4!
As change is the only constant in the academic world, our Journal, previously known as the Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, has transitioned seamlessly into Biomolecules and Biomedicine, while retaining the established impact factor of the Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences.

The Impact Factor is determined using the number of citations received in that year by articles published in the journal during the two preceding years and is calculated by Journal Citation Reports/Clarivate Analytics (clarivate.com). This year, JCR has implemented a change, calculating the Journal Impact Factor (a measure of a journal’s importance, JIF) using one decimal place instead of the usual three for all journals.

CiteScore is counted by Scopus/Elsevier, and it is 5.3 for 2022. Check the Biomolecules and Biomedicine current CiteScore here.
Biomolecules and Biomedicine has maintained its Q2 position, as indicated by the Journal Citation Indicator (JCI). Essentially, the JCI tracks the average influence of a journal’s articles over the past three years by counting their citation frequency.
A Thank You Note to Our Authors, Editorial Board Members, and Reviewers
We, at the Association of Basic Medical Sciences of FBIH, are sincerely grateful to our Editorial Board members, authors, reviewers, and readers. Comprised of a team of biomedical scientists, our organization is fundamentally driven by a commitment to serve the scientific community. Our dedicated team at the BiomolBiomed Editorial office is continuously striving to refine our processes, with a primary focus on delivering high-quality content for our readership. Additionally, we’re dedicated to providing efficient and straightforward solutions for our authors and reviewers.
The Value We Bring
About Biomolecules and Biomedicine (formerly, the Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, BJBMS)
Biomolecules and Biomedicine is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary open-access medical journal dedicated to the advancement of medical research, practice, and education. The journal publishes pioneering research across the spectrum of pre-clinical studies, translational medicine, and clinical research, thereby advancing our collective knowledge in the realm of health and disease. It was founded in 1998 and is published by the Association of Basic Medical Sciences, a nonprofit honor organization of physician-scientists.
▶High Visibility
More than 200,000 readers/month (80,000 at PubMed Central (December 2022); 100,000 at Journal’s website (December 2022); more than 120,000 at Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, and others).
- Newsletters: more than 20,000 registered users receive a newsletter tailored to their field of interest.
- Social media: articles are promoted through various social media channels (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook)
- Advanced online: all accepted articles are published Advanced online and Ahead of print on PubMed within 3 days of acceptance, with citable DOIs, to make the article accessible as fast as possible.
- Print circulation: 300 copies of print issues are sent to major libraries, institutes, universities, conferences, and subscribers worldwide. Get the free sample copy here.
- BiomolBiomed Viewpoints: Journal’s blog promotes authors and their research by publishing plain language summaries for a broad audience and media, as well as commentaries, interviews, news, and stories related to science and research.
▶Open Access
Articles are freely available to readers immediately after publication. The Biomolecules and Biomedicine deposits published articles in PubMed Central, satisfying the NIH Public Access Policy and other similar funding agency requirements.
▶International Editorial Board
Renowned international experts in the Journal’s Editorial Board, together with external peer-reviewers, select the best submissions for publication.
▶Indexing and Abstracting
SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded), Web of Science, Clarivate Analytics; JCR (Journal Citation Reports®), Clarivate Analytics; PubMed/MEDLINE; PubMed Central (PMC); SCOPUS; SJR (Scimago Journal and Country Rank); DOAJ; SCILIT; EBSCO; PROQUEST; Dimensions; Semantic Scholar; Google Scholar; EMBASE/Excerpta Medica; Europe PubMed Central; Medscape; ROAD; HINARI; CAS; X-MOL; CNKI; many libraries.
▶ Timely Publication
Average time from submission to initial decision on rejection or peer review: 2 days.
Average peer-review time and decision: 21 days.
Average time from acceptance to (advanced online) publication: 1 day.
▶Author and Video Summaries
The Author Summary is 200-250 words non-technical summary of the research, for non-expert readers.
Video summary: Guidelines for Breast Cancer Treatment in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Impactful Articles
This new Impact Factor (3.4) is more than just a number; it is a clear reflection of the impactful work done by our esteemed authors, who entrust us with their exceptional research and contribute to the enriching academic discourse. Some of our most impactful articles are:
📚Pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in the tunica intima, media, and adventitia of coronary arteries: An updated review
Milutinovic A. et al.
📚MPTP-induced mouse model of Parkinson’s disease: A promising direction of therapeutic strategies
Mustapha M. et al.
📚Development and validation of a ferroptosis-related lncRNAs prognosis signature in colon cancer
Cai H-J. et al.
Guo L. et al.
Alshehri D. et al.
Our Reviewers
Read our blog post with more than 1000 reviewers in 2022. Here are the 12 Reviewers of the Month for 2022:
- Edin Medjedovic
- Wayne J.G. Hellstrom
- Diogo Goulart Correa
- Marek Hampl
- Damian Kołat
- Teodora Stankova
- Stephan Weibelzahl
- Andreas Schwingshackl
- Aly El-Makhzangy
- Noemí Kaoru Yokobori
- David Pestaña
- Elisa Belluzzi.
Contributions by Countries and Institutions
- China Mainland
- Turkiye
- Slovenia
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Croatia
- Italy
- Romania.
- Sapienza University Rome
- University of Ljubljana
- University of Sarajevo
- Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Iuliu Hatieganu University
- Qatar University
- Maribor University
- University of Zagreb.
Read more about Biomolecules and Biomedicine, or submit your article here.
Editor: Ermina Vukalić
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