Peer review is an essential part of the scientific publishing process, helping to ensure that research papers meet high standards of quality and accuracy. Each month, the BiomolBiomed Editorial team recognizes a reviewer who has gone above and beyond in providing thoughtful and constructive feedback on the reviewed manuscript.
This month, we’re pleased to announce that the Reviewer of the Month Award goes to Carmen Niño-Taravilla, MD. She is a researcher at the Faculty of Medicine of Andrés Bello College in Santiago, Chile, and a pediatric critical care specialist at Clínica Indisa and Hospital de Niños Roberto del Rio in Santiago, Chile. Dr. Niño-Taravilla’s review stood out for its exceptional quality, providing authors with valuable feedback that helped them improve the clarity and rigor of their research.
We sat down with Dr. Niño-Taravilla to learn more about her approach to peer review and her thoughts on the current state of the publishing industry. Here are a few highlights from our conversation:
Q: What are your current research interests?
A: Currently, I have just become a mother, so my scientific activities have been temporarily suspended. The most recent research I have done is on the implementation of a sedoanalgesia protocol in a pediatric intensive care unit.Q: What do you think is the most important aspect of the peer review process?
A: I think it is essential to review for scientific rigor. In peer review, a manuscript is independently, subjectively, and critically evaluated by a reviewer who is not part of the editorial board.
We’re thrilled to honor Dr. Niño-Taravilla as our Reviewer of the Month, and we’re grateful for her contributions to the scientific community. We hope that her example will inspire other reviewers to aspire for excellence in their work, and that it will encourage everyone to value the peer review process as an essential part of the scientific publishing ecosystem.
Editor: Ermina Vukalic
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