![Gross view of mouse male urogenital organs. (A) Anterior and (C) posterior aspects of the urogenital tract dissected from an adult male mouse, as seen under the dissecting microscope. Urethra (U), Seminal vesicles (SV); (B) and (D) show the same images with dashed and dotted lines delineating the ventral (VP), lateral (LP), anterior (AP), and dorsal (DP) prostate lobes; (E) Anterolateral view (left side) of the prostate lobes relative to the bladder, seminal vesicles, and urethra (Modified from: Sugimura, Y., et al. [15]). Scale bar, 1 cm.](https://blog.bjbms.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/BJBMS-16-8-g002-326x245.jpg)
The mouse prostate: a basic anatomical and histological guideline
Despite substantial similarities in embryological, cellular and molecular biology features, human and mouse prostates differ in organ morphology and tissue architecture. Thus, a clear understanding of the anatomy and histology of the mouse prostate is […]