Streptococcus anginosus: A New Pathogen in Gastritis and Gastric Cancer

Streptococcus anginosus: A New Pathogen in Gastritis and Gastric Cancer

Special article from the current issue:

Streptococcus anginosus: A New Pathogen in Gastritis and Gastric Cancer

Groundbreaking Discovery

In a major breakthrough, researchers led by Fu et al. have discovered Streptococcus anginosus as a new bacterial pathogen linked to superficial gastritis (SG), atrophic gastritis (AG), and gastric cancer (GC). This finding shifts the focus from Helicobacter pylori, the previously recognized main cause of these conditions, to S. anginosus. This gram-positive bacterium, typically found in the mouth and throat, is now connected to severe gastric issues, including cancer.

Background on Gastric Disease and Cancer

SG and AG are key precursors to gastric cancer, one of the deadliest cancers globally. While H. pylori has traditionally been the target for treatment, the discovery of S. anginosus highlights the need for a multi-pathogen strategy. This bacterium invades the stomach lining, triggers inflammation, and disrupts the protective barrier, leading to the progression of these gastric diseases.

Key Findings

Research shows that S. anginosus uses a specific surface protein to colonize the stomach, causing inflammation and damage. Short-term infections were linked to SG, while long-term infections led to more severe conditions such as AG, intestinal metaplasia (IM), and dysplasia—precursors to gastric cancer. Importantly, the bacteria also accelerated gastric tumor growth in mice, underlining its role in cancer progression.

Implications for Healthcare

This discovery has significant implications for the prevention and treatment of gastric diseases. Current treatments targeting H. pylori alone may not be enough. New therapies that also target S. anginosus could improve the management of SG, AG, and GC. Additionally, S. anginosus was found in the stool of early-stage gastric cancer patients, suggesting its potential as a non-invasive biomarker for early diagnosis. This could revolutionize screening and early intervention, improving patient outcomes.

A Call for New Approaches

The study emphasizes the importance of addressing multiple pathogens, not just H. pylori, for better management of gastric diseases. Developing therapies and diagnostic tools that consider S. anginosus could dramatically reduce the progression from gastritis to cancer. Public health efforts focused on oral hygiene and dietary changes could also limit the spread of these pathogens, especially in high-risk areas.

Looking Forward

Research by Fu et al. opens new possibilities in the fight against gastric diseases. The potential of S. anginosus as a biomarker for early gastric cancer detection makes the future of gastric disease prevention promising. As scientists continue to study this pathogen, new treatments and diagnostic tools are expected to emerge, offering hope to millions at risk.

The translation of the preceding English text in Chinese:


新发现:链球菌 Anginosus 是导致胃炎和胃癌的新病原体


在一项重大突破中,由傅等人领导的研究人员发现了链球菌 Anginosus,这是一个与浅表性胃炎 (SG)、萎缩性胃炎 (AG) 和胃癌 (GC) 有关的新型细菌病原体。这个发现将人们的关注从以前公认的主要病因幽门螺杆菌Helicobacter pylori)转移到了链球菌 Anginosus上。这种革兰氏阳性细菌通常存在于口腔和喉咙中,现在被发现与严重的胃部疾病,包括癌症,有关。


SG 和 AG 是胃癌的关键前驱病变,胃癌是全球最致命的癌症之一。虽然幽门螺杆菌一直是这些胃病的主要治疗目标,但链球菌 Anginosus的发现强调了多病原体治疗策略的必要性。这种细菌会入侵胃粘膜,诱发炎症,破坏保护屏障,导致这些胃部疾病的进展。


研究表明,链球菌 Anginosus利用一种特定的表面蛋白在胃中定植,造成炎症和损伤。短期感染与 SG 相关,而长期感染则导致更严重的病变,如 AG、肠上皮化生 (IM) 和发育不良——这些都是胃癌的前驱病变。更重要的是,研究还发现该细菌加速了小鼠胃部肿瘤的生长,突显其在癌症进展中的作用。


这一发现对胃病的预防和治疗具有重要意义。目前仅针对幽门螺杆菌的治疗可能已不足以应对这些病症。新的疗法若能同时针对链球菌 Anginosus,或能更有效地管理 SG、AG 和 GC。此外,链球菌 Anginosus已在早期胃癌患者的粪便中被发现,表明其有可能成为早期诊断的非侵入性生物标志物。这可能会彻底改变筛查和早期干预方法,改善患者的治疗结果。


该研究强调,不仅仅针对幽门螺杆菌,而是针对多种病原体的治疗方式对于更好地管理胃部疾病至关重要。开发能够同时针对链球菌 Anginosus的疗法和诊断工具,可能显著减少从胃炎发展到癌症的风险。公共卫生方面,注重口腔卫生和饮食习惯的调整,也能有效限制这些病原体的传播,特别是在高风险地区。


傅等人的研究为胃病的防治开辟了新的可能性。链球菌 Anginosus作为早期胃癌检测的生物标志物的潜力,使得未来胃病预防前景光明。随着科学家们继续研究这一病原体,预计会有新的治疗方法和诊断工具出现,为数百万面临胃病风险的人们带来希望。


Fengting Guo, Lanfang Li, Lifang Li

Streptococcus anginosus: A new pathogen of superficial gastritis, atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer;
Biomol Biomed [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 6 [cited 2024 Sep. 27];

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